Health Rosetta Rosie Awards

Rosie Awards recognize high-value, low-cost health plans from employers and unions across the U.S.

About The Rosie Awards

Rosie Award winners are chosen from plans recommended by benefits advisors, solution providers, or clinical leaders who meet two important criteria: a high Plan GraderTM score and excellent use of their Health Rosetta Dividend.

The Plan Grader™ is the first comprehensive independent plan assessment to measure and improve your health plan strategy. Plan Grader is an independent 360° health plan risk assessment that provides actionable insights to create an effective 2-3 year strategy to lower costs and improve benefits. Plan Grader is built on the Health Rosetta’s eight components that have been modeled on the successes of hundreds of high-performance plans. Employers and unions can evaluate how their health plan benchmarks to other employers or union plans adopting a Health Rosetta-style health plan. Plan Grader is only available through a Health Rosetta Advisor, find one near you.

Health Rosetta Dividend refers to the well-documented over $1 trillion of industry waste that can be reinvested back into an organization or community to improve wellbeing and build the foundation to restore the American Dream. Examples of Health Rosetta Dividend reinvestment include free college education, substantial pay increases, advanced primary care services, free or subsidized healthy food, subsidized home solar, Dream Manager, $0 medications, or other tangible improvements that have a direct impact on the health and financial wellbeing of their workforce, dependents, and communities.

Collaborative spirit, abundance mindset Consistent with Health Rosetta’s ethos, growing the movement is dependent on plan sponsors who share their stories through peer mentoring, media interviews and other education/research efforts. Attendance at RosettaFest is one important dimension of Collaboration, offering an unparalleled platform to celebrate success, share lessons learned, and forge deep and meaningful connections with other Rosie winners and employer or union peers, clinical leaders, advisors and solutions in their geographic locale and industry.

How to Nominate Your Plan for Rosie Awards

Current Health Rosetta Advisors & Solutions (with a profile)

  1. Login to Health Rosetta platform 

Non Health Rosetta Advisors & Health Plan Leadership

  1. Create a profile on Health Rosetta’s tech platform.  

Watch this explainer video for detailed instruction on how to set up an account

2.      Complete Rosie Nomination 

Watch this explainer video for detailed instructions to complete your Rosie Nomination.

Nominations must be recieved by March 31, 2024

Criteria for Rosie Awards

Be sure to offer detailed information to support the criteria for a 2024 Rosie Awards, including the Plan GraderTM score, the use of dividends, and the collaborative spirit. 

2023 Rosie Winners

Company: Agra Industries
Industry: Agriculture; Construction
# of Employees: 100
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: American Licorice 
Industry: Confectionary Manufacturing
# of Employees: 438
Location: Indiana
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: AMR/Pemco & Affiliates
Industry: Confectionary Manufacturing
# of Employees: 250
Location: West Virgina
Advisor: Taylor Lindsey

Company: Appalachian Orthopedic Assoc.
Industry: Care Provider
# of Employees: 125
Location: Tennessee
Advisor: Taylor Lindsey

Company: Applied Laser Technologies 
Industry: Metal Fabrication
# of Employees: 100
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: ASM Research
Industry: IT/Services
# of Employees: 1700
Location: Virginia
Advisor: Ben Bohonowicz

Company: Bennett School District
Industry: Education
# of Employees: 95
Location: Colorado
Advisor: Bryan Perry

Company: Conner Insurance
Industry: Financial Services/Insurance
# of Employees: 40
Location: Indiana
Advisor: Ben Conner

Company: Cosmos
Industry: Manufacturing
# of Employees: 200
Location: Missouri
Advisor: Adam Berkowitz

Company: Cresa
Industry: Commercial Real Estate
# of Employees: 400
Location: Illinois
Advisor: David Contorno & Aaron Witwer

Company: Curran Group
Industry: Multiple
# of Employees: 1,700
Location: Illinois
Advisor: Brian Uhlig

Company: DeSoto Memorial Hospital
Industry: State Hospital District
# of Employees: 220
Location: Florida
Advisor: Carl C. Schuessler Jr.


Company: Disco Inc
Industry: Industrial/mechanical
# of Employees: 110
Location: Texas
Advisor: Josh Butler

Company: Dupre Logistics
Industry: Trucking & Logistics
# of Employees: 1,200
Location: Louisiana
Advisor: Mike Andrade

Company: Dynamic Aviation
Industry: Prof., Sci., and Tech Services
# of Employees: 400
Location: Virginia
Advisor: Jonathan Coddington

Company: Enerquip
Industry: Manufacturing
# of Employees: 80
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Fastco Industries
Industry: Manufacturing
# of Employees: 115
Location: Michigan
Advisor: Brian Bellware

Company: Faulk Bros Construction
Industry: Construction, Excavation
# of Employees: 90
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Frank L. Blum Construction
Industry: Construction
# of Employees: 190
Location: North Carolina
Advisor: Patrick Long

Company: Glass and Metals Inc.
Industry: Glass Glazing Contractor
# of Employees: 75
Location: Virginia
Advisor: Jonathan Coddington

Company: Horizon Goodwill Industries
Industry: Non-profit
# of Employees: 500
Location: Maryland
Advisor: Ben Bohonowicz

Company: Hospice of Wichita Falls
Industry: Non-profit end-of-life care
# of Employees: 230
Location: Texas
Advisor: Kelly Fristoe

Company: Hyster-Yale
Industry: Forklift Manufacturing
# of Employees: 3,200
Location: Ohio
Advisor: Erik Davis

Company: INEOS KOH/ASHTA Chemicals
Industry: Chemical Manufacturer
# of Employees: 100
Location: Ohio
Advisor: Bryce Heinbaugh

Company: Interchange Group, Inc
Industry: Warehousing & Logistics
# of Employees: 480
Location: Virginia
Advisor: Jonathan Coddington

Company: IUBAC Local 1 CT
Industry: Taft-Hartley Fund 
# of Employees: 600
Location: Connecticut
Advisor: Justin Leader

Company: Kalispell Public Schools
Industry: K-12 Education
# of Employees: 700
Location: Montana
Advisor: Scott Haas & Erik Davis

Company: Lakeland Automall
Industry: Car Dealer
# of Employees: 200
Location: Florida
Advisor: Liz Antaya

Company: Lincoln National Bank
Industry: Banking
# of Employees: 110
Location: Kentucky
Advisor: Griffin Meredith

Company: Menasha Joint School District
Industry: Public Schools
# of Employees: 450
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Meshoppen Stone
Industry: Trucking, Excavation, Mining
# of Employees: 250
Location: Pennsylvania
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Midwest Carriers
Industry: Trucking
# of Employees: 140
Location: Wisconsin 
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Mitchell Metal Products
Industry: Metal Fabrication
# of Employees: 70
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Moose Pharmacy
Industry: Community Pharmacy
# of Employees: 100
Location: North Carolina
Advisor: Cristy Gupton

Company: Nolato
Industry: Manufacturing
# of Employees: 250
Location: Wisconsin 
Advisor: Linda Skoglund

Company: Oradell Animal Hospital
Industry: Veterinary hospitals
# of Employees: 283
Location: New Jersey
Advisor: Louis Bernardi

Company: Paul B Zimmerman Family of Companies
Industry: Hardware Store, Agriculture Products & Services
# of Employees: 600
Location: Pennsylvania
Advisor: Tina Wilt

Company: Peter Family McDonald’s
Industry: Restaurant
# of Employees: 500
Location: Kentucky
Advisor: Aaron Witwer

Company: Ponsse North America
Industry: Forestry Equipment
# of Employees: 90
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Drew Leatherberry

Company: Rosen Hotels & Resorts
Industry: Hospitality/Hotels
# of Employees: 4,000
Location: Florida
Advisor: Carolyn Grant

Company: SavATree
Industry: Tree & Plant Care
# of Employees: 2,146
Location: New York
Advisor: David Contorno

Company: Schaefer Auto Body
Industry: Autobody Repair
# of Employees: 276
Location: Missouri
Advisor: Adam Berkowitz

Company: Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida
Industry: Non-Profit – Food Bank
# of Employees: 150
Location: Florida
Advisor: Carolyn Grant

Company: Spooner Physical Therapy
Industry: Physical Therapy
# of Employees: 520
Location: Arizona
Advisor: Jentry Harris

Company: Synthomer
Industry: Specialty chemicals, Manufacturing
# of Employees: 900
Location: Ohio
Advisor: Kristine Scheer

Company: Team Schierl Companies
Industry: Retail Service; Mechanic Service; Commercial Property
# of Employees: 700
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Carolyn Grant

Company: The Gasparilla Inn & Club
Industry: Hospitality (seasonal)
# of Employees: 450
Location: Florida
Advisor: Carl C. Schuessler Jr.

Company: Vero Orthopaedics
Industry: Medical (Orthopaedic Clinic)
# of Employees: 84
Location: Florida
Advisor: Richard Koontz

Company: Waterford Union High School
Industry: Public High School
# of Employees: 100
Location: Wisconsin
Advisor: Adam Berkowitz

Company: Woodard
Industry: Rug & Upholstery Cleaning, Restoration Services, & Construction
# of Employees: 233
Location: Missouri
Advisor: Adam Berkowitz

Company: 32BJ Health Fund
Industry: Union
# of Employees: 300,000
Location: New York
Advisor: Cora Opsahl

Company: Bison Gear Motors
Industry: Manufacturing
# of Employees: 210
Location: Illinois
Advisor: Justin Mangan

Company: ValueHealth Benefit Administrators
Industry: TPA
# of Employees: 100
Location: Kansas
Advisor: Terri Raimondi

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